Top Reasons for Long-Term Disability Claim Denials in Ontario

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Long-term disability (LTD) insurance can be a financial lifeline for Ontarians unable to work due to a serious illness or injury. However, securing these benefits is not always straightforward, and claim denials are a common occurrence. Understanding the reasons behind these denials is crucial to navigate the claims process effectively.

1. Insufficient Medical Evidence

One of the leading causes of LTD claim denials is a lack of comprehensive medical documentation. Insurance companies require substantial evidence demonstrating the severity and persistence of your disability. This includes detailed medical records, diagnostic test results, treatment plans, and specialist consultations. Ensuring that your medical records are consistent and comprehensive is vital to proving your inability to work.

2. Failure to Meet the Definition of Disability

Every LTD policy has a specific definition of “disability.” Typically, this definition varies depending on the stage of your claim. Initially, you may need to prove that your disability prevents you from performing your own occupation. Later, the definition may change to any occupation for which you are reasonably suited by education, training, or experience. Understanding your policy’s definition and how it applies to your situation is crucial to avoid denial.

3. Pre-existing Conditions

LTD policies often have exclusions or limitations for pre-existing conditions. If your disability is related to a condition that existed before you obtained coverage, your claim may be denied or limited. However, it’s important to note that not all pre-existing conditions automatically disqualify you. Carefully review your policy and consult with an insurance professional or lawyer if you have concerns.

4. Non-compliance with Treatment Plans

Most LTD policies require claimants to adhere to prescribed treatment plans. Failure to follow your doctor’s recommendations, attend therapy sessions, or take medications as directed can lead to claim denial. Insurance companies may argue that you are not actively seeking to improve your condition or that non-compliance contributes to your inability to work.

5. Surveillance and Investigations

Insurance companies sometimes conduct surveillance or investigations to verify the validity of LTD claims. This may involve social media monitoring, background checks, and even hiring private investigators. If your activities contradict your claim of disability, your benefits may be terminated. It’s essential to be honest and consistent in your reporting and avoid engaging in activities that could be misinterpreted.

6. Administrative Errors and Missed Deadlines

Even seemingly minor administrative errors or missed deadlines can lead to claim denials. Failing to submit required forms on time, providing incomplete information, or not attending independent medical examinations can jeopardize your claim. Pay close attention to all communication from your insurance company and seek assistance if you have questions or concerns.

What to Do If Your LTD Claim Is Denied

If your LTD claim is denied, you have options. In Ontario, you have the right to appeal the decision through the insurance company’s internal process. If your appeal is unsuccessful, you can escalate your case to an external review through the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA).

Seeking Professional Help

Navigating the LTD claims process can be complex and overwhelming. Consulting with an experienced insurance lawyer or disability advocate can be invaluable. They can help you understand your policy, gather evidence, negotiate with the insurance company, and represent your interests in appeals or legal proceedings.

Remember, you are not alone in this journey. Many resources and professionals are available to help you fight for the benefits you deserve.

Have questions about the article above or have you been denied LTD benefits?
Click here to ask a question for free or report a LTD Claim Denial here.